Willard's Guide to Computing for Forgetful Power Users

The Future is Open reigstration happening now!

| 1 minute read


The Future is Open is now open for registration! It's a FOSS conference happening at the RIT MAGIC center to promote Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) with a slew of cool events and workshops. Come on down at 10am on Saturday, October 26 and get FOSSy with it.

Why do I bring this up? Because I'm running an event! I will be giving a workshop from 12-4 detailing how to get Linux booted on your machine! If you're curious about Linux, but have no idea where to start, attend this workshop!


Linux is an OS that champions freedom, protects privacy, encourages community, and is customizable to the core. However, many people can't enjoy these (and many other) benefits because they don't know where to start. This workshop is designed to make it easy to get Linux up and running on your machine.

In this workshop, we will cover the fundamentals of Ubuntu, Fedora, the GNOME desktop environment, and the Linux shell, as well as how to install Linux on your machine! Several flash drives will be provided, but it is recommended to bring your own. If you want to try Linux, learn the basics, and get it running on your machine, come on in!

Learn More!